Blessing of the Beast

Nazwa Blessing of the Beast
Edycja Heirs to the Blood Reprint   (lista kart)
Rarity R2/B1
Tekst karty Put this card on an Ahrimane you control with any cards requiring Spiritus [spi] from your hand (before replacing), face down {and out of play} (you can look at the cards at any time). This Ahrimane can play these cards as if from your hand. Burn this card if it has no cards on it. A vampire can have only one Blessing of the Beast.
Rodzaj Master   
Burn Option Y
Wymagany klan Ahrimane
Rysownik Paul Tobin
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Blessing of the Beast Heirs to the Blood EN R2 10.00 PLN Oryginalna cena 2.00 GBP 6 M/NM EN nekhomanta
Blessing of the Beast Heirs to the Blood EN R2 10.00 PLN 6 M/NM PL sbodek
Blessing of the Beast Heirs to the Blood Reprint EN R2/B1 6.25 PLN Oryginalna cena 1.25 GBP 3 M/NM EN nekhomanta